Nintendo 3DS
Before you get too excited, there are no pics of the tech. I wasn't allowed to take any. But surely by now you've seen photos of the hottest bit of kit to hit 2011 so far. It was a very long day for me. I woke up at 3:30am to catch a 6:20am flight to Amsterdam. I eventually got back home and into bed at just before midnight, same day.
So, what was it like? Well, take a look at some of the photos I was allowed to take. Jonathan Ross was host of the presentation and I did a little backstage stuff for Nintendo (view highlights here: - 72mins and 15secs is a key point, might I add XD).
It's my opinion that Nintendo have got nearly everything right. The tech works very well, including the AR capability. Its portable, the 3D screen - which works for taking photos, playing games and viewing movies - is amazing and there'll be a raft of titles and clever software (the Street Pass is genius!) available on launch.
What they've not got right is the price. At a rumoured £220-250, it'll initially be the reserve of those with a bit of cash to spare and as a result, sales may be sluggish to start. However, don't make up your mind until you've had a go. It has to be seen to be believed. Anything that brings the likes of @wossy and myself together in a mighty Streetfighter IV 3D Edition smackdown has to be worth a look.
By the way, fancy being part of this blog?
As I mentioned in the last blog I'm really up for reading your reviews so I am inviting you to submit any gadget reviews and the best one’s will feature right here. I’ll make sure I link back to your site as well.
Reviews on any gadgets (within the realm of good taste) accepted – drop me an e-mail at Look forward to reading them.
nice blog ortis :) shame about losing the challenge though..